James Crookham | Huntingdon, PA

The Continental Army recorded the desertion of James Crookham in April 1780. He had been listed as a bombardier, matross, and artificer stationed at Carlisle, PA during the war. He appears shortly after the war in the tax records of Bedford and Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Huntingdon County was formed from Bedford County in 1787. BothContinue reading “James Crookham | Huntingdon, PA”

Asa Lake | Prisoner of War

In his grandson’s biography, a few sentences describe the role of Asa Lake in the Revolutionary War. In a previous post, I recount the land purchases Asa Lake made after the war in northwest Ohio on the Lanape land; the Lanape, or Delaware Indians, had been removed by the US Government to Kansas and Oklahoma.Continue reading “Asa Lake | Prisoner of War”